Researchers at St. Petersburg Polytechnic Develop Novel Drilling Rig Inspection Method

By |2018-10-25T04:40:00+01:00October 25th, 2018|Categories: Uncategorised|Tags: |

#ndt Researchers of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU) came closer to solving one of the key issues of offshore oil production, namely they developed a special method of nondestructive testing of drilling rig elements in the oil wells, which will ensure the efficient oil production and reduce the time and cost of equipment [...]

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Nondestructive Inspection for Glazed Glass Panels

By |2018-10-25T04:34:00+01:00October 25th, 2018|Categories: Uncategorised|Tags: |

#ndt Until recently, there has been a somewhat important gap to be bridged between insulating glass production and comprehensive quality control. However, to ensure that the IGU's meet the prevailing standards and norms about u-value, it is important to be able to measure the quality of the produced insulating glass units – systematically and automatically. Moreover, [...]

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Kitov Systems, Pioneer in the Field of AI-based Automated Visual Inspection

By |2018-10-25T04:29:00+01:00October 25th, 2018|Categories: Uncategorised|Tags: |

#ndt RSBG, a leading industry holding and investment company invests through HAHN Group in Kitov Systems, a technology company based in Israel, which specializes in universal solutions for visual inspection. Kitov Systems develops AI-based solutions for visual inspection in industrial manufacturing. The systems developed by Kitov reduce manufacturing costs, eliminate inefficiencies and improve quality without the [...]

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FLIR Systems Announces Industry-First Deep Learning-Enabled Camera Family

By |2018-10-25T04:24:00+01:00October 25th, 2018|Categories: Uncategorised|Tags: |

#ndt FLIR® Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: FLIR) today announced the FLIR Firefly® camera family, the industry’s first deep learning inference-enabled machine vision camera. The FLIR Firefly, which integrates the Intel® Movidius™ Myriad™ 2 Vision Processing Unit (VPU), is designed for image analysis professionals using deep learning for more accurate decisions, and faster, easier system development. Traditional rules-based [...]

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The Industrial Age of Drones and AI

By |2018-10-25T04:20:00+01:00October 25th, 2018|Categories: Uncategorised|Tags: |

#ndt Leading UAV Service Provider Aerodyne are proud to announce today that they have broken new ground on large-scale asset management and inspection projects around the world. Just over a year since they reported the completion of 30,000 inspections, the international drone-based solutions company has passed the 200,000 mark. This remarkable growth has been fueled by [...]

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Greene Tweed Achieves Nadcap Accreditation for Non-Destructive Testing

By |2018-10-25T04:16:00+01:00October 25th, 2018|Categories: Uncategorised|Tags: |

#ndt Greene Tweed’s Non-Destructive Test (NDT) Lab recently completed a Nadcap accreditation audit for NDT Testing Facility Digital Radiography of composite materials, utilizing a Digital Detector Array (DDA). Greene Tweed has developed and implemented a complex-shape composite component NDT capability, known as Xyscan®, for complex-shape composite components that have proven to be impossible or impractical to [...]

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North American Imaging Wins NASA Contract and

By |2018-10-25T04:12:00+01:00October 25th, 2018|Categories: Uncategorised|Tags: |

#ndt These past few months have marked two major developments for NAI Acquisition, LLC dba North American Imaging. In July, the company was awarded a simplified acquisition contract from NASA for one of their flat panel detectors. More recently, they launched their new exo249MGE digital camera. Founded in 1985, North American Imaging specializes in providing X-ray [...]

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Leak Detection in the Home

By |2018-10-25T04:05:00+01:00October 25th, 2018|Categories: Uncategorised|Tags: |

#ndt Leak Detection Online unveils its new website design, a new look, and style created to help water leak detection services in Los Angeles and Ventura county to receive faster and more efficient quotes. The new website also allows easy browsing thanks to its design, which makes searching for information on leak detection and plumbing services [...]

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Industrial 3D X-ray Microscopy Allows Extraordinary Detail

By |2018-10-18T18:54:00+01:00October 18th, 2018|Categories: Uncategorised|Tags: |

#ndt 3D X-ray microscopy (XRM) is a non-destructive imaging technique that provides internal three-dimensional (3D) information in extraordinary detail for specimens, samples, equipment and parts. It encompasses a range of length scales, down to the submicron scale, and generates manipulable data, enabling quantitative analysis of 3D microstructures that it would not be possible to visualise using [...]

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GE Power Joins Study on Blockchain

By |2018-10-18T18:51:00+01:00October 18th, 2018|Categories: Uncategorised|Tags: |

#ndt GE Power Digital has joined a study to evaluate the use of blockchain technology for energy industry applications. The study – launched by the German energy agency, Deutsche Energie-Agentur (dena) – will investigate whether blockchain applications can be operated economically and reliably in energy industry use cases. Blockchain is a way to store and exchange [...]

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