When PoD Matters – Microbially Induced Corrosion

By |2023-02-22T05:16:00+00:00February 22nd, 2023|Categories: Uncategorised|Tags: |

Quality assurance during manufacturing is being extended to online inspection and integrity management for aging plants given the increased awareness of the consequences of in-service damage mechanisms. Microbially Induced Corrosion, or MIC, is a common problem in carbon steel pipelines, often causing isolated corrosion pitting due to biological growth. The main risk of MIC is its [...]

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25th Annual International Aboveground Storage Tank Conference & Trade Show

By |2023-02-21T18:57:00+00:00February 21st, 2023|Categories: Uncategorised|Tags: |

Cygnus Instruments will be exhibiting at the 25th Annual International Aboveground Storage Tank Conference & Trade Show in the Orlando, USA. If you are attending this event, why not pop over to the Cygnus Instruments booth or if you'd prefer, you can pre-arrange a chat with a member of the Cygnus team by clicking on the [...]

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The Aerial Advantage: New Confined Space Inspection Drone is Available at Fiberscope.net

By |2023-02-17T00:14:00+00:00February 17th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorised|Tags: |

Drones or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have entered many industries recently. It is not an exaggeration to say that drones have revolutionized certain areas of our life. The industrial inspection business was not left behind, and the enhanced model of the Skycopter Cobra inspection drone is tangible proof of this. The Skycopter inspection drone consists of [...]

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Heat Exchanger Defect Detection Near Support Plates Enhanced by New RFA Technology

By |2023-02-14T23:31:00+00:00February 14th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorised|Tags: |

Critical defect detection and characterization during petrochemical plant shutdowns is non-negotiable. Remote-field testing (RFT) technology is a standard method for inspecting carbon steel heat exchanger tubing, but the technology has its limits. Critical defects like pitting, corrosion, and baffle wear can be hidden underneath or near support plates and are nearly impossible to distinguish from the [...]

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New Cygnus Service Centre & Sales Representative Company in USA

By |2023-02-08T16:28:00+00:00February 8th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorised|Tags: |

Cygnus is extremely pleased to be collaborating closely with High Tech Supplies, Inc. for both product sales and service in the USA. High Tech has been an NDT manufacturer, training school and distributor for USA and Latin America for 30 years. The team at High Tech come from a background of NDT inspection across all disciplines. [...]

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Putting Ultrasonic Nozzle Weld Inspection into Perspective With a 3D Environment

By |2023-02-01T03:42:00+00:00February 1st, 2023|Categories: Uncategorised|Tags: |

The non-destructive testing inspection of welds in nozzles can be a difficult application to get right, ensuring all defect types of interest can be properly detected and located within the weld. The use of Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing (PAUT) gives many benefits compared to radiography and is widely adopted as the method of choice for these [...]

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